Capitains / HookTest

Testing script for Hook
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TEI group element seems to confuse HookTest on Travis CI #105

Open nevenjovanovic opened 7 years ago

nevenjovanovic commented 7 years ago

My files in the cts-croala repository pass the local hooktest validation without errors. However, when trying to build with Travis CI, HookTest has problems with documents which contain a TEI group element. For example:


|               Identifier              | Words  |                Nodes                |         Failed Tests        |


| baric01.croala1506566.croala-lat1.xml | 2,020  |           2;11;9;12;41;107          |  Correct xml:lang attribute |


| levak01.croala2069172.croala-lat1.xml | 6,573  |        1;11;22;22;111;156;59        |  Correct xml:lang attribute |


|  marul01.croala754085.croala-lat1.xml | 14,379 |       2;13;25;24;184;1632;914       |  Correct xml:lang attribute |


|  skrl01.croala1410547.croala-lat1.xml | 68,595 |     1;5;11;205;310;680;1121;1368    |  Correct xml:lang attribute |


|  skrl01.croala1676802.croala-lat1.xml | 71,071 |    1;4;8;208;816;3085;1345;78;44    |  Correct xml:lang attribute |


|  skrl01.croala735015.croala-lat1.xml  | 12,796 |        3;18;24;237;288;28;12        |  Correct xml:lang attribute |


|  skrl01.croala940507.croala-lat1.xml  | 44,852 | 1;13;10;76;342;1130;1730;322;225;26 |  Correct xml:lang attribute |


group is a useful solution for texts consisting of other texts. It would be good that hooktest takes it into account when testing tei files. The structure is:

   <text xml:base="urn:cts:croala:baric01.croala1506566.croala-lat1:" xml:lang="lat">
      <front xml:lang="lat" n="front1">
         <docTitle n="docTitle1">
            <titlePart n="titlePart1">Epistolae res aetate mea gestas illustrantes, a diversis ad me, ad diversos a me scriptae
       non servata accuratione chronologica. Insuper miscellanea quaedam alia eodem pertinentia 1787.
         <docAuthor n="docAuthor2">Adam Alojzije Baričević</docAuthor>
      <group xml:lang="lat" n="group2">
         <milestone unit="page" n="milestone1"/>
         <text n="text2" type="epistula" corresp="#baricevicskrlec17801101">
            <body xml:lang="lat" n="body1">
               <div n="div1" type="prosa-epistula" corresp="#baricevicskrlec17801101">
                  <head n="head1">1. <add n="add1">4r-4v</add>

... etc
PonteIneptique commented 7 years ago

I would feel like the issue is not group (which I don't understand how it could be) but the lang attribute here, which is actually marked this way.

Let's see how the lang "bug" will affect these results.