CappielloAntonio / tempo

An open source and lightweight music client for Subsonic, designed and built natively for Android.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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My thoughts after using Tempo for a week as my primary music app #115

Closed SteveDinn closed 6 months ago

SteveDinn commented 6 months ago

I just discovered Tempo about a week ago and ive been using it as my primary music app ever since. I've been looking for an alternative to the aging DSub and i think Tempo is the best contender so far. It's great!

I can also totally appreciate where you're coming from as a solo developer on an ambitious project like this one.

I'd like to put forward my list of features that I would want in my ultimate music player app. Take them all with a grain of salt; I realize these are all from my personal wishlist and may not fit into your vision of the project. I know this is a lot to drop on you, but I wanted to get my ideas down and see what others thought about them.

Feel free to close this issue and open whatever individual feature issues you'd like

Be able to hide and re-order the sections on the main page

As far as I can tell, the main screen has the following sections on the main page:

Personally, I would like to see Recently added first, followed by Last played as those are the albums I would most likely be looking to play when I open the app. I think that the order of these sections, as well as whether they are shown at all, should be definable by the user.

Consistent context menu items

This was one of my main gripes with DSub: the items from the context menu were not consistent.

Menu items for a track anywhere a track is seen

These might already be consistent in this app...

Menu items for any collection of tracks

This category would include an album, a group of albums, an artist, a playlist, etc., anywhere where a list of tracks can be obtained.

Albums-centric view

From the main page, I can see several options on albums' context menus that are not on the upper-right "..." menu when in the album-centric view. i.e., there is no way to "Play next" or "Add to queue" from the album-centric view. I think these menus should be the same as on the main page.

Artist-centric view

Horizontal scrolling

Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I don't think horizontal scrolling works well on a phone. It might be better on a tablet. I would rather see an abbriviated list, so it doesnt take up too much vertical space, and have to click through to a separate view to see the full list in something like a 2-column grid that I can scroll vertically though.

SteveDinn commented 6 months ago

I should have posted this as a discussion.

SteveDinn commented 6 months ago

Closing in favour of a discussion item.