CappielloAntonio / tempo

An open source and lightweight music client for Subsonic, designed and built natively for Android.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[BUG] - Placement of the buttons is wrong in the "Edit playlist" menu for some languages #250

Open rkowalsk opened 2 weeks ago

rkowalsk commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug

In the "Edit playlist" menu, when the language is set to French or German, the buttons are arranged vertically and scrollable instead of horizontally and well placed.

Expected behavior

See screenshots.

To Reproduce

  1. Set your language to French or German
  2. Go to "Library"
  3. Scroll down to the "Playlists" section
  4. Press the three dots of a playlist to edit it


Logs or Screenshots

How it looks like:


How it should look like


dnno commented 1 week ago

I'll see that I find shorter translations for German, at least