CapsAdmin / luajitsocket

pure luajit ffi socket bindings for unix and windows
MIT License
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Please help me with windows. #9

Open reku-hakimite opened 5 months ago

reku-hakimite commented 5 months ago

Hi. I need a 'tls.dll' file, but I can't make this file. Could you make this or tell me how to make it?

I tried this environment.

Windows 11 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz RAM 16GB

cmake version 3.25.1 Visual Studio 17 2022 GNU Make 4.4.1 Built for x86_64-w64-mingw32

OBS 30.0.02

CapsAdmin commented 5 months ago

It's from libtls, part of

I'm on linux these days so I'm not sure how it's built. I believe you get tls.dll when building libressl.

reku-hakimite commented 5 months ago

OK. If I get tls.dll, I throw the pull request. Thank you.