Capstone-Projects-2021-Fall / project-proposal-4398-sections04-flagg

project-proposal-4398-sections04-flagg created by GitHub Classroom
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Merch Farm #19

Open HenryKay1 opened 2 years ago

HenryKay1 commented 2 years ago

Project Abstract

This project is meant create a web-based environment where retailers and regular people(non-retailers) could sell merchandise to other users on the platform. So regular people, who have no stock or inventory and just want to sell used or new products could. At the same time, we’ll provide a unanimous virtual e-commerce store for retailers who have inventory and want to reach hungry customer

High Level Requirement

Non-retailers just have to an submit a product from and they’re good to go. Moreover, we want to make sure there a product verification process and review system to minimize customers complaints, then have the software setup to handle all aspects of shipping but the pickup/destination locations.
As of right now, there are 3 main types of users bound to have a different experience using the program namely:


They’ll be required to provide data for our virtual store template, which will involve setting up stuff like

  1. Brand name
  2. Slideshow Images
  3. Product Collection Images
  4. Social Media networks
  5. Homepage product collection

Non-Retail Sellers or people who do not want to go through the above process

Such users will just be required to fill out an add product form, which involves, adding product information such as: images, videos, descriptions, tutorials etc.


These users who just want to shop online. The idea is to have a the same view as the retailers, except our featured homepage will be based on our selection and we’ll have cumulative collections(because we’re advertising all retail/non-retail collections), hence we’ll need to implement a ranking and filtering system to make sure products collections are organized. Also, there will be a noticeable distinction between Retailers and non-retailers when buyers search products or browse categories Alternatively, buyers could go directly to a retailer’s store if they came through the retailer’s link

Conceptual Design

I plan on implementing a “model view controller” design pattern, hence we have a model(backend entities) that goes through some sort of mapping and to produce views(front-end entities), then controllers which handle requests coming form the front-end and send results or confirmations.


There are many companies out there that provide an online sales service. However here are some of the reasons this stands out

Required Resources

As of right now, I plan on using:

I also would prefer visual studio code to manage all these technologies, listed above

JixiHe commented 2 years ago

In today's society, Amazon and eBay are most likely monopolies the online market. People are still allowed to put items on their webpage for sale but need to pay them as well. It's not so friendly for those people who only have a little inventory or only trying to sell their used items. For this project, I would prefer to develop it as a web page, because I want to learn how to develop a web page since I don't have any experience with it.

I totally agree with how you wanted to design it. Such as Brand name, Slideshow Images, Product Collection Images, Social Media networks, and Homepage product collection. Those are the basic things that we needed to have on the seller's web page. Maybe we can all some product's description and directions on how to use, we could also let the seller upload videos as well. One of the things that we might need to be careful about is the non-retailers. I know that we are trying to make it easy for the retailers and non-retailers, but we would also need to validate non-retailers products, which will give a safe and good environment for our customers. I have no experience of working on a web app like mentioned above, but I would definitely do a lot research on how to develop a web page, and help the team.

TonmoyChak commented 2 years ago

This is one of my favorite projects because e-commerce websites and applications are in demand in 2021. Due to covid, e-commerce business is being used more than before. This could be a very good product for all types of business owners to advertise their products.

I could implement front-end animation to the website to make it more interesting. I would love to do user authentication and payment authentication. I could also help customer inquiry or live chat support for all registered app customers. I'm very familiar with SQL and I would love to handle the admin page and update database for the app. I believe this project involved very hands on experience and would love to develop this project with team.

jyin12 commented 2 years ago

I like this idea because everybody does e-commerce shopping nowadays. It's good to see both buyers and sellers on the site to get what they want. I like how it's both retail and non-retail sellers on here so both sides can have the benefit of putting more effort in their business. By effort, I mean great way for both sides to earn profit and promote their product. Not only the users will see only product they searched, the result will show them other similar ones so they have the opportunity to compare and choose.

I do have experience with web application and want to strengthen my skills. I have done web applications with React but haven't touched on Vue yet, so I am excited to learn the process of it. I have significant amount of knowledge in database systems like MySQL, but we can also use Firebase if it's more easier. I would love to develop any new ideas as we go to build this web and work with other people.