Capstone-Projects-2021-Fall / project-proposal-4398-sections04-flagg

project-proposal-4398-sections04-flagg created by GitHub Classroom
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Crossy RPG Game #3

Open Xhuljano-Racaku opened 2 years ago

Xhuljano-Racaku commented 2 years ago

Project Abstract

This product will be a RPG type game. There will be enemies, the player, game objects and a treasure which if the player reach it, makes the player win the current level and move to the next one. Anytime the player collide with one of the enemies will restart the levels from level one.

High Level Requirement

You are the player, and you need to pass thru the enemies until you reach the treasure. If you collide with enemies, the current level reset to level one.

Conceptual Design

The language for this project will be Python.


I am not thinking of something similar with it, but I would say the closest can be Super Mario game. But in this project, every time the player reaches the treasure will update the level and make it harder to reach it again for the next time.

Required Resources

Some knowledge of python and pygame. Also tkinter for the GUI.

FranceskoRacaku commented 2 years ago

I like this project more than others because firstly I do like coding on Python and I would love to become familiar with making games.

I could contribute in this project with adding an option to translate the game in 1 or 2 more languages.

rebeccarobb commented 2 years ago

I think developing a game would be super exciting and motivating to implement. I also love super mario so making a game like it would be such a great opportunity to make a fun capstone project.

I have been coding in python all year and think I would be beneficial to the project. I have never used pygame but am very willing to delve into it. I can help read documentation and provide a timely work ethic for this game to be fulfilled to its best potential.

darren-wei-chen commented 2 years ago

This is a project I'd love to work on as someone who wants to explore more game development opportunities, and it would be an interesting first experience working with pygame!

I helped concept and work on some mobile games over the summer, so while I may be unfamiliar with the language/software we'll be using, I would love to help design and suggest ways for this project to move forward from the basic concepting stage. I think the project could be improved by better defining what you mean by "RPG": you mentioned Super Mario as comparable product, which is a side scrolling platformer game. What elements of the genre are you borrowing, and what makes it an RPG and not a platformer? Some things to consider!

Phaceial commented 2 years ago

I'm not really a big fan of game development, but this project interests me. I think this differs from typical game development in that it's not hopping on the unity hypetrain and seems pretty simple to implement. I'm always looking for an excuse to expand my familiarity with python libraries and just strengthen my python skills in general. I also remember spending hours playing Mario as a kid, so creating something similar spikes my interest.

What I would hope to assist with is ideas about level design. I remember one of my previous projects was creating random mazes and then using Dijkstra's algorithm to solve them. I think turning that into level design for what I'm guessing is a platform RPG type game sounds interesting and challenging. My previous python experience includes a discord bot and just writing scripts to do math homework, but I'm a quick learner. I'll spend whatever time is needed to understand pygame and tkinter. This is definitely one of the top projects I would prefer besides my own so good luck, hope you get selected.

TonmoyChak commented 2 years ago

This is one of the best projects because I love RPG genre games and Python programming language. I prefer this project and would love to be familiar with pygame that I never used before.

I will contribute to the game background, sound, new stage, and possibly multiplayer option or online gaming. Python is my favorite coding language, and I would love to contribute in more areas to be successful in this game. Another interesting idea could be implanting the game in website. User will be able to play and have multiplayer option. I am also thinking to increase the game label to make is more interesting and making the background exciting as well.