Capstone2021 / Issue-Only

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Elon Musk on Cameras vs LiDAR for Self Driving and Autonomous Cars #18

Open vincentk21 opened 3 years ago

vincentk21 commented 3 years ago


Elon Musk on Cameras vs LiDAR for Self Driving and Autonomous Cars



Elon Musk on why LiDAR is a bad idea and instead we should rely on video and such.

Key Points

-There are things that we can see with our eyes that LiDAR can't see. -You can solve depth with cameras -LiDAR is too expensive


AutoPilot Review. “Elon Musk on Cameras vs LiDAR for Self Driving and Autonomous Cars.” YouTube, 27 Apr. 2019, Accessed 28 Jan. 2021.

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vincentk21 commented 3 years ago

@misc{89ElonMu62:online, author = {}, title = {(89) Elon Musk on Cameras vs LiDAR for Self Driving and Autonomous Cars - YouTube}, howpublished = {\url{}}, month = {}, year = {}, note = {(Accessed on 02/17/2021)} }