Capstone2021 / Issue-Only

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OpenAI’s Image GPT Completes Your Images With Style! #34

Open vincentk21 opened 3 years ago

vincentk21 commented 3 years ago


OpenAI’s Image GPT Completes Your Images With Style!



This video shows ai that finished images that are half complete. This would be helpful where if you weren't sure what the other half of the image is on the road this could potentially help answer that question.

Key Points

-not as good as humans but still really accurate


Two Minute Papers. “OpenAI’s Image GPT Completes Your Images with Style!” YouTube, 1 Sept. 2020, Accessed 29 Jan. 2021.

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vincentk21 commented 3 years ago

@misc{75OpenAI9:online, author = {}, title = {(75) OpenAI’s Image GPT Completes Your Images With Style! - YouTube}, howpublished = {\url{}}, month = {}, year = {}, note = {(Accessed on 02/10/2021)} }