Captain-Chaos / WorldPainter

WorldPainter is an interactive graphical map generator for the indie game Minecraft.
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Custom Plants on Custom Ground Cover layers or Custom Objects #257

Open WhiteWolfy opened 2 years ago

WhiteWolfy commented 2 years ago

Thank you for you offering to ask for feature request, you're too kind. But I'm not really understand what exact I can ask from you, because I'm not really in technical part of your programm >,..,> But I will be really happy if water plants will work with custom layers, could I ask this one please?.. Vines on custom objects will be nice too, but I dare not to ask you for two features at once. I don't want to modify trees schematic because they used in different places, so I wanted to add some vines only in some areas, like deep in forest, and on swamps etc. I have big map (about 10k+ x 10k+ blocks) with a lot of trees, so editing all shematics gonna be pain in the !@# :D But water plants more important for me, cuz I really need to add some green things to my rivers, lakes and swamp >,..,> But here is another thing - launch date for my server is about two weeks from now, and I dare not to have hope that you can add feature for me in this period, I'm sure you're a busy man, making such huge software.. Then I'm not sure should I ask this feature or not, because if it will be released like after month or two, it will make no sense for me in near future, may be only later, when I will add some new continents on my map. But I think it will gonna helful for me and other people anyway.

Sorry for a long text. But if you have some free time and can make this feature, then please, it will be really nice >,..,> Anyway thank you for attention and giving answers!

WhiteWolfy commented 2 years ago

Here is screenshot for additional info (that how my rivers looks for now, it uses custom terrain for better bottom and borders, and then it covered with custom layer, on second screen you can also see some river parts on sides):

Captain-Chaos commented 2 years ago

I can't decide for you what features you want of course, that's up to you. 😉

You seem to be asking for two separate things: being able to use the Plants layer to place vines on custom objects, and also being able to use it to place water plants on Custom Ground Cover layers. I'll update the title to reflect that.

These are not trivial changes and there are many other things waiting to do, so this will definitely not happen in two weeks! I can't promise it will happen at all, and if so I would not count on it for months.

WhiteWolfy commented 2 years ago

Oh. Thanks for your answer Mister. That is one I was afraid of "These are not trivial changes". Have you may be some ideas how can I make plants layer work for my rivers then? Via native ways, without making it with schematic (schematic will not give good plants render I think, like spread of it and etc.). May be here is some way how I can change rivers to make it work? I don't think flood feature will work for me, cuz I have multiple high levels rivers, and last time I pressed "flood option" it started to long render something, I pressed cancel being afraid of it will flood all map :D I really need these plants >,..,>

WhiteWolfy commented 2 years ago

I see how flood function working now.. So that makes sense why it had infinity loading last time I tried it. If it's hard to make water plants on custom layers, may be it's possible to add flood option to global options? Like flood seleceted area or specific layer? Because as I said before - my rivers have multiple hight levels and I can use regular flood function for them.. And because even terrain water don't work - it seems like no way for me to have plants in my rivers for now? :( I could use regular Water from terrain palette, but plants does not work even with it, not only with custom layers :(

WhiteWolfy commented 2 years ago

Can't understand why we can place water by flood whole area, but can't do same more accurate by placing it via brush, it's some technical thing I guess? :(

No plants for river is very very sad T,..,T

WhiteWolfy commented 2 years ago

I'm really really sorry for pinging you @Captain-Chaos but I'm just not sure if you have notifications about this topic or not, may be you have some ideas about it. Sorry!

Captain-Chaos commented 2 years ago

I don't. I'm afraid off the top of my head I don't see any way of placing plants in water made with a custom ground cover layer or the water terrain type.

You'll have to patient and not count on anything any time soon. There's about a thousand features waiting to be implemented; just because I invited you to create a feature request does not mean I would implement it instantly.

WhiteWolfy commented 2 years ago

@Captain-Chaos thank you for the answer! Yes, I understand that, Mister! That's why I asked if you have any ideas which will work for now. I even think I should try to make custom object layer, creating schematics with plants, cuz it seems like only one way but then.. I'm not sure if it will work at all, because options for object layer render like "on water" or "underwater" I guess will also don't work with terrain water?.. And I cannot adjust all objects by hands just because bottom of rivers not really flat, and have several hight points, as rivers itself :(

Captain-Chaos commented 2 years ago

No, I tested that and I'm afraid even that won't work.