Captain-Chaos / WorldPainter

WorldPainter is an interactive graphical map generator for the indie game Minecraft.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature request: make our own "cave biome" layers for caves/caverns/chasms #347

Open Dannypan opened 9 months ago

Dannypan commented 9 months ago

A feature in which we can create our own generated caves, as opposed to custom cave layers, would be very welcome.

For example if I wanted to make a "Ice Cave" layer that generates as part of the cave/caverns/chasms generation, then I can pick a custom material for the caves, whether to include dripstone, hanging plants, decorate with glow lichen or plants, and any biomes for these areas (like how lush/dripstone caves do).

It doesn't have to be too wild since custom cave layers would be better for the tailored stuff, but allowing for more customised caves in the caves/caverns/chasms layers would give much variety to these generated areas.