Captain-Chaos / WorldPainter

WorldPainter is an interactive graphical map generator for the indie game Minecraft.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature request: mass add custom biomes from datapacks #367

Open Dannypan opened 5 months ago

Dannypan commented 5 months ago

Adding custom biomes from datapacks one by one takes a long time; a feature to do so quickly would be very useful.

It could be done by the user first putting in what the datapack's namespace is, then selecting their chosen datapack and navigating to the custom biome folder. From there, WP would read the name of each .json file (for example: golden_forest.json) and add a custom biome based on the chosen name and what the .json is called.

I imagine this would be really difficult to do so with mods since there's different formats and loaders for them, but datapacks are just folders and can be scanned pretty quickly.