Captain-Chaos / WorldPainter

WorldPainter is an interactive graphical map generator for the indie game Minecraft.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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A few missing tools/bugs #387

Open Cleocyde opened 1 month ago

Cleocyde commented 1 month ago

Missing stuff: 1: being able to set a thickness for the walls in cave/tunnel layer. currently, if you make a custom cave, the inside wall is 1 block thick, so if you add stuff like bushes schematics inside, it can eat up into the wall and reveal the stuff behind, which is not really an issue when your cave is stone-looking, but it is a real issue when it's completely different blocks for that one specific cave, since the underground blocks can only be set in one place and not "around" your cave.

2: so I've been making a few maps during the past year, and they require VERY specific stuff, so I've been figuring out loopholes to make it work somehow, and until now, I've managed to make it work (making a full 16k x 24k one piece map, as well as a made in abyss map (this one is more deep than large), so if you wanna know about the loopholes I found, just DM me on discord (Cleocyde) and I'll tell you everything I figured out, just in case you'd be interested in adding them officially at some point (cuz I doubt other people even tried doing these things the way I did it to be completely honest)

Bug: when you fill a cave with light blocks, it's always at level 8. no matter what level you put, it's always 8 once exported.

Bugs?: 1: I'm using custom cave with custom dimension as the floor, I made is really big, and I used another layer of cave with custom dimension floor, except this time I filled it with the same material as the walls to make giant roots. I also want to put plants on top of that root, but the plant layer does not work (I'm guessing it's because it tries to put it on the floor "inside" the cave instead of on top of it, but since it's filled with blocks, they just don't show up

2: When you make a plants layer, you cant choose a brush intensity. it's either on or off, and as far as I know, you cant put air in the layer settings, so it covers EVERY single block you place it on, the only way to not put it on every block is to either use the spray tool, which is a little unpractical, or to add stuff that would be on invalid blocks so that you can still place it everywhere. giving it an intensity control setting like the rest would be a good thing in my opinion

3: it's probably my fault for being insane, but when I export a map (with 64 tiles), it takes easily 6 minutes (with 32 gigs of ram) I'm guessing it's because the map has 11 custom cave dimensions, which go from around 200 down to -500. not really counting that as a bug, just wanted to point it out just so you know.

Captain-Chaos commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your feedback! Would you mind terribly submitting these in separate tickets? It's impractical to prioritise and track the progress of multiple issues in one ticket.

Captain-Chaos commented 1 month ago

Although I don't think any of the issues under "bugs?" are indeed bugs:

  1. I can't 100% follow what you're doing, but from what I can understand it sounds like that is just how the layer works. The Plants layer tries to put plants at ground level, so if there are already solid blocks there it won't place anything. If I'm misunderstanding it would probably be good if you could provide an example.
  2. That is just how it works. It gives you full control rather than having to guess whether a plant will be placed on a block (like you would with a Custom Objects layer). I think that's better. If you don't want many plants, just airbrush the layer sparsely.
  3. Six minutes for 64 tiles is not bad at all with multiple complex layers in the mix.