CaptainCodeman / rdx

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Garbage collection when using the router #23

Closed anoblet closed 4 years ago

anoblet commented 4 years ago

When using routingPlugin and defining routes as such:

  "/": {
    name: "page-one",
    view: html`<page-one></page-one>`,
  "/": {
    name: "page-two",
    view: html`<page-two></page-two>`,

changing routes does not destroy the instance of the previous route. Navigating back and forth between each route multiple times triggers mapState to run on multiple instances of the same route.

The only solution I've found is to add

if(!this.isConnected) return;

to the top of mapState.

CaptainCodeman commented 4 years ago

You haven't show how you are rendering the views (the router outlet). What is and isn't connected to the DOM should depend on that.

anoblet commented 4 years ago
import { customElement, property } from "lit-element";
import { Connected, Route, RouteSelectors, State } from "./connected";

declare global {
  interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
    "app-view": AppViewElement;

export class AppViewElement extends Connected {
  @property({ type: Object })
  route: Route;

  mapState(state: State) {
    return {
      route: RouteSelectors.route(state),

  render() {
    return this.route.view;
CaptainCodeman commented 4 years ago

It's actually a bug in the connect mixin that was trying to remove the event listener from itself instead of from the store. I'll publish an update soon to resolve it.

For the routing itself, I wouldn't generally recommend this option. Although it's convenient, it only really saves adding a switch mapping from the view name to the view html in the router outlet but it does have some implications around optimizations. Because the state store now depends on the html view templating it won't be quite as small as it otherwise could be. I prefer to try to keep it tiny so that it can initiate the routing, auth and any data requests as soon as possible while the UI may still be loading (those pieces tend to be significantly bigger).

Really depends on your approach to code-splitting though - I can see there are fewer moving parts having the views defined alongside the routes.

CaptainCodeman commented 4 years ago

Updated - thanks for catching this!