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[Improvment] At first boot unpack the data in isolate to avoid unresponsive UI #72

Open CaptainDario opened 8 months ago

CaptainDario commented 8 months ago

Basically what the title says, would be great to unpack the data from the assets in an isolate to avoid dropped frames / frozen UI / un responsive app. For this, the rootbundle needs to be accessible from an isolate because currently copying the whole assets to the isolate to unpack it takes a very long time.

Realted issues

CaptainDario commented 8 months ago

Correction: copying the data to the isolate is really fast, there are serious performance problems introduced in the archive package after v3.3.2.

CaptainDario commented 7 months ago

Data is unpacked in an isolate now. It still would be nice not to copy the data to the isolate and rather open it their directly.