Open lozanoeg opened 1 year ago
I think the easiest way would be to call this code after the vehicle is created:
// force show all camo net options. Use animationNames to get all available animation sources. Vehicles that don't support certain animations are simply ignored.
[vehicle player, false, ["showcamonethull", 1, "showcamonetturret", 1, "showcamonetcannon", 1, "showslathull", 1]] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle;
I got the code here:
I added this feature to my exile server a few years back. It was done by adding every vehicle name to the script. Here is how it was done:
It looks like they secretly added the ability to add armor components by scripting and was wondering if it's possible to add the a parameter for allowing these to be spawned on the tanks and APCs. It seems you can get the code by putting them on and hitting export in the editor.
The main issues I see is since it's vehicle specific i'm not sure how to add it without having a default list of vehicles in an include file somewhere that have component options as a reference. But if it is possible i think it would be an awesome add