CaptainSifff / paper_teaching-learning-RSE

The teachingRSE project: "Teaching and Learning Research Software Engineering"
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What are our teachers made of, and how can we find them #230

Open CaptainSifff opened 3 months ago

CaptainSifff commented 3 months ago

Noting, that maybe @fer-rum might be interested in this.

CaptainSifff commented 3 months ago

There are two parts to this question. First we have to figure out how we bootstrap the teaching process when no certified RSEs are around. Here we will draw on established practitioners. The other big part is what are our teachers made of. We will certainly find people that can convey the technical skills, but since the RSE is placed square in the middle between a leaders role, and a supporting role, we need to make sure that we find teachers, that have the character to convey that helping and supporting people in an academic environment is a worthwhile task. And we need to make sure that this and our commitment to integrity are seeded into our future RSEs.

CaptainSifff commented 3 months ago

How can we find our RSE teachers? This will be difficult. It's easy to find those that are always grabbing the spotlight, but we need to find those that made it their passion to support others. My feeling is that they can be very good technically. Maybe it should also be part of our RSE integrity to make sure to adequately promote them to teaching duties, or if teaching is not among their strong skills, to adequately integrate them into the teaching.

CaptainSifff commented 3 months ago

just some ramblings by me. Now I need to structure this into the required ~3 questions for the workshop....

CaptainSifff commented 2 months ago

Question 1) What are characteristics of Teachers, that can teach students to support as well as to lead? Is this unified in a person? Question 2) Imagine you have to educate a bunch of early 20 somethings. where would you start drawing your teachers from. If you have to start NOW. Question 3) Do we need special certificates to certify that our teachers convey our values, or is this not worthwhile? Alternatives?

CaptainSifff commented 2 months ago

Additional things to consider: 4.) which parts can the Computer science department offer? Which parts they can't?