CaptainSifff / paper_teaching-learning-RSE

The teachingRSE project: "Teaching and Learning Research Software Engineering"
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Suggest changes to SE skills section #231

Closed annalenalamprecht closed 1 month ago

annalenalamprecht commented 3 months ago

Here is my long-promised suggestion for changes to the section on SE skills. Some words on the motivation behind these changes:

So far for this PR. I have some more comments on the paper, but they will go another route.

mhagdorn commented 3 months ago

That makes a lot of sense.

jpthiele commented 3 months ago

Overall, the changes make a lot of sense. Thank you!

I am however unhappy with the new name of 'technical skills' since some of the R and comm skills to some part are technical, (PM) without technical tools seems like a glass half full and (DOMREP) as well as 'Software publication' are also partially technical.

Maybe it has to be some combination like 'technical software skills' or something along those lines.

mhagdorn commented 3 months ago

Overall, the changes make a lot of sense. Thank you!

I am however unhappy with the new name of 'technical skills' since some of the R and comm skills to some part are technical, (PM) without technical tools seems like a glass half full and (DOMREP) as well as 'Software publication' are also partially technical.

Maybe it has to be some combination like 'technical software skills' or something along those lines.

I see the term technical skills in the context of the other two pillars, research and communication skills. They are all neutral and snappy terms. I think taking those three pillars together it is clear that technical skills are the base software engineering skills. The research skills are the add-ons that make RSEs somewhat different. Both SE and researchers need to have communication skills. They all contain aspects of each other. I take PM tools as productivity tools, ie like a spreadsheet program (I know some people use them for data management...). In the same vein I have no clue how to operate the new fangled teams conference hardware....

We do have both SWREPOS and DOMREP. My understanding is that SWREPOS cover the technical details of using repos and version control. While DOMREP is about knowing your way around of specific repos that are relevant to a particular field.

CaptainSifff commented 3 months ago

We decided to postpone this discussion to next friday 23.02. Or whichever day the poll suggests...

CaptainSifff commented 2 months ago

Use Software Skills as heading for the SE skills. Another option is the technical skills, which makes it align with RTPs.

CaptainSifff commented 1 month ago

So, I think I have created in here a new state for discussion. On the ToDo List are:

After fixing these minor things(Or I do it in main) I could merge this MR and we can continue on the new issues.

What do you think @annalenalamprecht , @sdruskat , @jpthiele , @mhagdorn

mhagdorn commented 1 month ago

this looks good to me. I do like the change to Software/Technical Skills.

Update: I found another instance of software engineering skills and updated it accordingly

mhagdorn commented 1 month ago

In the RSE tasks and responsibilities section we have under the "Proper development" bullet point SE skills. Do we want to change the abbreviation? We do have it in the glossary. I think it is fine since we are talking about actual software engineering tasks. But I did make we wonder given we went to great lengths to define technical skills.