CaptainSifff / paper_teaching-learning-RSE

The teachingRSE project: "Teaching and Learning Research Software Engineering"
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add a definition for Researchers #237

Closed CaptainSifff closed 3 months ago

CaptainSifff commented 3 months ago

I added a quick definition of researchers. Feel free to comment and expand!

mhagdorn commented 3 months ago

I am a little surprised to see librarians mentioned in the same sentence as researchers. Maybe turning the definition around from people who rarely perform RSE activities to people who use RSE services makes a little more sense. In ITIL speak this would be the customers (those who pay the bills) and the users. So maybe

We refer to researchers as people who are using the services provided by Research Software Engineers. These not only include academics but also people from related fields such as librarians and technicians.

MakisH commented 3 months ago

Another point: Wouldn't the following order make more sense?

  1. Software
  2. Researcher
  3. Research Software
  4. Research Software Engineers
CaptainSifff commented 3 months ago

I included the text of @mhagdorn and put it up for discussion.

CaptainSifff commented 3 months ago

@MakisH I'd say you would be right usually, but the current text defines "researchers" as people who are not RSEs, so I need their definition before, no?

MakisH commented 3 months ago

@MakisH I'd say you would be right usually, but the current text defines "researchers" as people who are not RSEs, so I need their definition before, no?

True. Then the order is fine.