CaptainSifff / paper_teaching-learning-RSE

The teachingRSE project: "Teaching and Learning Research Software Engineering"
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Suggested title change #265

Open annalenalamprecht opened 4 weeks ago

annalenalamprecht commented 4 weeks ago

In the discussions at Dagstuhl it also turned out that several people are having issues with the "foundational" qualification of the competencies in the title.

Suggested change: "Identifying Competencies and Responsibilities of a Research Software Engineer".

This version just does not qualify if the competencies in the paper are foundational, basic, complete, whatsover (as people really cannot agree on this), and also emphasizes that this is an ongoing discussion.

hvwaldow commented 4 weeks ago

In my mind we are aiming at providing exactly that: Foundational aka basic competencies. "Complete" is something different. This paper is presenting competencies that we have identified. It's not about "identifying".

If the problem is that "foundational" is perceived as implying "complete", we could use for example "basic"? Also, we could strengthen the notion that this isn't intended as an exhaustive enumeration and we don't mention a lot of skills from the domain of traditional software engineering that are, indeed, foundational.

annalenalamprecht commented 3 weeks ago

How about "Identified Competencies and Responsibilities of a Research Software Engineer" then?

BeastyBlacksmith commented 3 weeks ago

Another option would be "Core Competencies and Responsibilities of a Research Software Engineer"

CaptainSifff commented 1 week ago

276 has now qualified a bit of what we mean. Do you feel it is resolved?