CarVac / filmulator-gui

Filmulator --- Simplified raw editing with the power of film
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Fujifilm RAF: some pictures randomly come out as entirely blue #150

Closed jcelerier closed 1 year ago

jcelerier commented 1 year ago

Consider these files:

DSF0876 comes out normally, but DSF0877 (taken just after, no setting change) is entirely blue:


it shows up fine in Dolphin (file manager) and Darktable ; you can see in my pics in the bottom that many are just randomly blue. ISO, etc are the same.

johnmaguire commented 1 year ago

@jcelerier The WB is set around 2000 which is pretty cool. Could this be a WB issue?

P.S. the download link no longer works.

CarVac commented 1 year ago

It was already fixed in the development builds.

I just need to actually release it…