CarVac / filmulator-gui

Filmulator --- Simplified raw editing with the power of film
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Segfault on importing HDR DNG #36

Open Beep6581 opened 8 years ago

Beep6581 commented 8 years ago

Segfault importing this:

Please try the other images from that folder, some of them are (intentionally) corrupt so you will get different kinds of segfaults.

CarVac commented 8 years ago

In the current dev branch ( it should gracefully fail to import the images; the file will be copied (you don't want to lose it if you're copying from a card!) but it won't be able to generate the thumbnail.

I haven't yet sorted out what happens in the Organize view if you attempt to select them; the thumbnail obviously can't load so I need to work out a fallback so that it's at least visible; maybe also have a useful tooltip to tell the user what's going on.

Beep6581 commented 8 years ago

A placeholder thumbnail saying "Corrupt" or "Unsupported" could be an elegant way out.

CarVac commented 8 years ago

The thumbnail placeholder is feasible, but making it update once the thumbnail is written is harder at the moment.

It appears that this is a good opportunity to refactor all of the importing code to be more monolithic. I'll have to make some fairly big changes but on the bright side, I'll have the chance to implement importing without moving the raw (import in place), importing linear tiffs, and perhaps better backup handling.

This I'll have to think about for some time, to make sure I make it flexible enough to meet future needs.

CarVac commented 3 years ago

The new LibRaw snapshot apparently supports floating point DNGs.