As a site user, I can like a post so that I can engage with the blog content.
Acceptance Criteria
Given I am on a blog post
And I am logged in
When I click on the heart button
Then I should be able to see that I have liked the post
Given I am on a blog post
And I am logged in
And I have already liked a post
When I click on the heart button
Then I should be able to see that I have unliked the post
As a site user, I can like a post so that I can engage with the blog content.
Acceptance Criteria
Scenario: Given I am on a blog post And I am logged in When I click on the heart button Then I should be able to see that I have liked the post
Scenario: Given I am on a blog post And I am logged in And I have already liked a post When I click on the heart button Then I should be able to see that I have unliked the post
Expected Outcome