Caraxi / RemindMe

A dalamud plugin for tracking cooldowns, status effects and some general reminders.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
16 stars 34 forks source link

NullReferenceException #30

Open chalkos opened 3 years ago

chalkos commented 3 years ago

I found this in the log

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at RemindMe.RemindMe.FrameworkUpdate(Framework framework) in C:\ffxiv\repo\RemindMe\RemindMe.cs:line 111

Adding my config as it may help you find the problem. I wasn't in a dungeon when this happened, so it probably is the ventures. It was showing "2 Inactive Retainers" at the time of the error.

My RemindMe.json config ```json { "$type": "RemindMe.RemindMeConfig, RemindMe", "InstallNoticeDismissed": 0, "MonitorDisplays": { "$type": "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[System.Guid, mscorlib],[RemindMe.Config.MonitorDisplay, RemindMe]], mscorlib", "ae9a049b-9ee9-4ef5-8a6e-05ba2ad438ee": { "DirectionRtL": false, "DirectionBtT": true, "IconVerticalStack": false, "UpdateInterval": 50, "Enabled": true, "Guid": "ae9a049b-9ee9-4ef5-8a6e-05ba2ad438ee", "Name": "Reminders (dungeon)", "Locked": true, "AllowClicking": false, "OnlyShowReady": false, "OnlyShowCooldown": false, "RowSize": 32, "TextScale": 1.0, "BarSpacing": 5, "ShowActionIcon": true, "ActionIconScale": 0.9, "ReverseSideIcon": false, "OnlyInCombat": false, "KeepVisibleOutsideCombat": false, "KeepVisibleOutsideCombatSeconds": 15, "ShowSkillName": true, "ShowStatusEffectTarget": true, "SkillNameRight": false, "ShowCountdown": false, "ShowCountdownReady": false, "ReverseCountdownSide": false, "StatusOnlyShowTargetName": false, "NoMissingStatus": false, "OnlyInDungeon": true, "PulseReady": false, "PulseSpeed": 1.0, "PulseIntensity": 1.0, "FillToComplete": false, "ReverseFill": false, "IconDisplayFillDirection": 2, "LimitDisplayTime": false, "LimitDisplayTimeSeconds": 10, "LimitDisplayReadyTime": false, "LimitDisplayReadyTimeSeconds": 15, "Cooldowns": [], "StatusMonitors": [], "GeneralReminders": [ "TankStanceReminder", "AetherialMimicryReminder", "DancePartnerReminder", "HotbarLockReminder", "MonkFistsReminder", "PetReminder", "SectReminder" ], "AbilityReadyColor": { "$type": "System.Numerics.Vector4, System.Numerics", "X": 0.7, "Y": 0.25, "Z": 0.25, "W": 0.75 }, "AbilityCooldownColor": { "$type": "System.Numerics.Vector4, System.Numerics", "X": 0.75, "Y": 0.125, "Z": 0.665, "W": 0.75 }, "StatusEffectColor": { "$type": "System.Numerics.Vector4, System.Numerics", "X": 1.0, "Y": 0.5, "Z": 0.1, "W": 0.75 }, "TextColor": { "$type": "System.Numerics.Vector4, System.Numerics", "X": 1.0, "Y": 1.0, "Z": 1.0, "W": 1.0 }, "BarBackgroundColor": { "$type": "System.Numerics.Vector4, System.Numerics", "X": 0.3019608, "Y": 0.3019608, "Z": 0.3019608, "W": 0.5019608 }, "DisplayType": 0 }, "897bc958-45fb-46db-bc13-a6316e8f824f": { "DirectionRtL": false, "DirectionBtT": false, "IconVerticalStack": false, "UpdateInterval": 50, "Enabled": true, "Guid": "897bc958-45fb-46db-bc13-a6316e8f824f", "Name": "Venture reminder", "Locked": true, "AllowClicking": false, "OnlyShowReady": false, "OnlyShowCooldown": false, "RowSize": 32, "TextScale": 1.0, "BarSpacing": 5, "ShowActionIcon": true, "ActionIconScale": 0.9, "ReverseSideIcon": false, "OnlyInCombat": false, "KeepVisibleOutsideCombat": false, "KeepVisibleOutsideCombatSeconds": 15, "ShowSkillName": true, "ShowStatusEffectTarget": true, "SkillNameRight": false, "ShowCountdown": false, "ShowCountdownReady": false, "ReverseCountdownSide": false, "StatusOnlyShowTargetName": false, "NoMissingStatus": false, "OnlyInDungeon": false, "PulseReady": false, "PulseSpeed": 1.0, "PulseIntensity": 1.0, "FillToComplete": false, "ReverseFill": false, "IconDisplayFillDirection": 2, "LimitDisplayTime": false, "LimitDisplayTimeSeconds": 10, "LimitDisplayReadyTime": false, "LimitDisplayReadyTimeSeconds": 15, "Cooldowns": [], "StatusMonitors": [], "GeneralReminders": [ "RetainerReminder" ], "AbilityReadyColor": { "$type": "System.Numerics.Vector4, System.Numerics", "X": 0.7, "Y": 0.25, "Z": 0.25, "W": 0.75 }, "AbilityCooldownColor": { "$type": "System.Numerics.Vector4, System.Numerics", "X": 0.75, "Y": 0.125, "Z": 0.665, "W": 0.75 }, "StatusEffectColor": { "$type": "System.Numerics.Vector4, System.Numerics", "X": 1.0, "Y": 0.5, "Z": 0.1, "W": 0.75 }, "TextColor": { "$type": "System.Numerics.Vector4, System.Numerics", "X": 1.0, "Y": 1.0, "Z": 1.0, "W": 1.0 }, "BarBackgroundColor": { "$type": "System.Numerics.Vector4, System.Numerics", "X": 0.3, "Y": 0.3, "Z": 0.3, "W": 0.5 }, "DisplayType": 0 } }, "PollingRate": 100, "Version": 2 } ```