Caraxi / SimpleTweaksPlugin

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[`UseCollectionCommand`] New Tweak #705

Closed nebel closed 4 months ago

nebel commented 5 months ago

Adds a /usecollection command to allow the use of Collection items (Aether Compass, Mogpendium, etc.) from commands.

The base game supports this parameterized style for e.g. /fashion but for for some reason doesn't for /collection, so this provides a way to do it. I was mainly motivated to add this so I can access collection items directly from Wotsit macro links.

I also made the command print unlocked Collection names/IDs to chat when no name or ID parameter is supplied, as the IDs are not visible anywhere otherwise.

Please let me know if there's anything you'd like changed.