Caraxi / SimpleTweaksPlugin

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Sticky Chat - Not Going to Labeled Channel #817

Open crockcw opened 1 month ago

crockcw commented 1 month ago

I am still having issues with sticky chat not "sticking". I know there were previous bugs that said this was closed but I have the most recent version and it's still not staying in the correct channel. It will show "Party" or "Free Company" labeled but it won't actually go to that channel.

P3nke commented 1 month ago

Can confirm. Label changes but messages still get send to previous chat

EternisRequiem commented 1 month ago

It seems to happen after some sort of trigger that I haven't figured out. I think it might be zone/instance change, but it's really inconsistent. The number of times I have accidentally told my Linkshell "First time" (followed by a lot of giggles) is very high lol

Edit: I think it might be upon entering/leaving duty if it's not area

NeonSilver commented 1 month ago

Can confirm, also happens to me