Carbs0126 / GregorianLunarCalendar

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Question #2

Open microcian opened 7 years ago

microcian commented 7 years ago

is it lunar calendar as you know there is no concept of 31 Date in Lunar Calendar

Carbs0126 commented 7 years ago

in chinese lunar calendar ,one month has 29 or 30 days, so every several lunar years ,there will be 13 months in a lunar year, the extra month is lunar leap month, and it must have 30 days. every gregorian day corresponding with a certain lunar day, and lunar day also has 24 hours. sorry for not adding a english readme file

microcian commented 7 years ago

screenshot_2016-07-19-02-17-21 Lunar Calendar when I replace chinese character into integer after 4 year integer repeat can i resolve this issue

microcian commented 7 years ago
    public static final String[] lunarNumbers = {"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"};

public static final String[] lunarMonths = {"1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12"};

public static final String[] lunarDays = {  "1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10",
Carbs0126 commented 7 years ago

hello, the character "年" to the right of "1903" and "月" right to the "闰5" are set in's layout xml,
you can replace the NumberPickerView's npv_HintText to "year" or other word. the "闰" to the left of "5" is set in, you can change code in method getLunarMonthsNamesWithLeap(int monthLeap), like change monthsOut[monthLeapAbs] = "闰" + getLunarNameOfMonth(monthLeapAbs); tomonthsOut[monthLeapAbs] = "lunar " + getLunarNameOfMonth(monthLeapAbs);, and "闰"will be replaced by "lunar"

microcian commented 7 years ago

no no bro I attach snapshot, my problem is not character...problem is repeat the integer

Carbs0126 commented 7 years ago

i didnot see anything wrong in your snapshot, could you give me more infomation? there will be a lunar month every several years, but may not every 4 years

microcian commented 7 years ago


Carbs0126 commented 7 years ago

yes, i got you. eg. in lunar 1903, there was two "5 month", one is normal lunar month, one is leap lunar month, and normal lunar month next to leap lunar month,there will be a lunar "leap" month every several years, but may not every 4 years. "two 5 month" is right according to chinese lunar calendar. you can check this web site:

in each square, gregorian is up and lunar is down in chinese, you can check 1903-6-5 is "五月初十", means lunar month 5 and lunar day 10, and check 1903-7-4 is "闰五月初十", means lunar leap month 5 and lunar day 10. normal lunar month x is always next to leap lunar month x.

Carbs0126 commented 7 years ago

you can download and check this app btw, this map may help you understand chinese char:
"一" -- 1
"二" -- 2
"三" -- 3
"四" -- 4
"五" -- 5
"六" -- 6
"七" -- 7
"八" -- 8
"九" -- 9
"十" -- 10
chinese numbers is also in decimal system.

microcian commented 7 years ago

can i goto Particular Month of solar or lunar calendar ?

Carbs0126 commented 7 years ago

you mean set the init value of this calendar?

microcian commented 7 years ago

I mean can i go by default to 1980/04/23

On Jul 19, 2016 12:41 PM, "WangJianJun" wrote:

you mean set the init value of this calendar?

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Carbs0126 commented 7 years ago

of course you can, in GregorianLunarCalendarView, you can set a calendar value by using method :

public void init(Calendar calendar){
        setColor(mThemeColorG, mNormalTextColor);
        setConfigs(calendar, true, false);

you can use in this way

        Calendar customizedCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        customizedCalendar.set(1980, 3, 23);//gregorian date
microcian commented 7 years ago

this is not working

On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 1:03 PM, WangJianJun wrote:

of course you can, in GregorianLunarCalendarView, you can set a calendar value by using method :

setColor(mThemeColorG, mNormalTextColor);
setConfigs(calendar, true, false);

you can use in this way<br>

Calendar customizedCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(); customizedCalendar.set(1980, 3, 23);//gregorian date mGregorianLunarCalendarView.init(customizedCalendar);

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Abdul Rahman Majeed Software Engineer / Developer +92 321 6236569

Carbs0126 commented 7 years ago

could you send me more code?
you can check the sample
and the DialogGLC in it works fine in my code

microcian commented 7 years ago

mGLCView = (GregorianLunarCalendarView) view.findViewById(;

Calendar customizedCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(); customizedCalendar.set(1980, 3, 23);//gregorian date mGLCView.init(customizedCalendar); toLunarMode();

I think problem is when i am alling toLunarMode and restet it

  1. I want to LunarCalendar by default
  2. and 1980,1,1 by default of lunar

On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 4:41 PM, WangJianJun wrote:

could you send me more code?

you can check the sample

and the DialogGLC in it works fine in my code

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Abdul Rahman Majeed Software Engineer / Developer +92 321 6236569

microcian commented 7 years ago

I think so this is good right ??

GregorianLunarCalendarView.CalendarData calendarData = mGLCView.getCalendarData(); Calendar calendars = calendarData.getCalendar(); calendars.set(1980, 3, 23); mGLCView.init(calendars, false);

On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 4:44 PM, Abdul Rahman Majeed <


mGLCView = (GregorianLunarCalendarView) view.findViewById(;

Calendar customizedCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(); customizedCalendar.set(1980, 3, 23);//gregorian date mGLCView.init(customizedCalendar); toLunarMode();

I think problem is when i am alling toLunarMode and restet it

  1. I want to LunarCalendar by default
  2. and 1980,1,1 by default of lunar

On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 4:41 PM, WangJianJun wrote:

could you send me more code?

you can check the sample

and the DialogGLC in it works fine in my code

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Abdul Rahman Majeed Software Engineer / Developer +92 321 6236569

Abdul Rahman Majeed Software Engineer / Developer +92 321 6236569

microcian commented 7 years ago

Resolved :) Cheers....just help I want to add date Chinese character as you added in solar to make it same it possible

On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 4:48 PM, Abdul Rahman Majeed <


I think so this is good right ??

GregorianLunarCalendarView.CalendarData calendarData = mGLCView.getCalendarData(); Calendar calendars = calendarData.getCalendar(); calendars.set(1980, 3, 23); mGLCView.init(calendars, false);

On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 4:44 PM, Abdul Rahman Majeed <> wrote:

mGLCView = (GregorianLunarCalendarView) view.findViewById(;

Calendar customizedCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(); customizedCalendar.set(1980, 3, 23);//gregorian date mGLCView.init(customizedCalendar); toLunarMode();

I think problem is when i am alling toLunarMode and restet it

  1. I want to LunarCalendar by default
  2. and 1980,1,1 by default of lunar

On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 4:41 PM, WangJianJun wrote:

could you send me more code?

you can check the sample

and the DialogGLC in it works fine in my code

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Abdul Rahman Majeed Software Engineer / Developer +92 321 6236569

Abdul Rahman Majeed Software Engineer / Developer +92 321 6236569

Abdul Rahman Majeed Software Engineer / Developer +92 321 6236569

Carbs0126 commented 7 years ago

sorry for replying late. if you want to set a lunar date as it init, you can use
mGLCView.init(calendars, false); false means show lunar calendar when it init.

microcian commented 7 years ago

Resolved :) Cheers.... i want to add date Chinese character with date as you added in solar to make it same it possible

On Jul 22, 2016 9:52 PM, "WangJianJun" wrote:

sorry for replying late. if you want to set a lunar date as it init, you can use

mGLCView.init(calendars, false); false means show lunar calendar when it init.

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Carbs0126 commented 7 years ago

sorry, i am not clear about what you mean , you want to change the hint in the middle unit of each column? you can change the attr of GregorianLunarCalendar's NumberPickerViews, modify the npv_HintText="year/month/day or other words here"

microcian commented 7 years ago

I just meant: As u can see year word , month word but date month is missing in lunar calendar ....i want to add that

On Jul 22, 2016 10:56 PM, "WangJianJun" wrote:

sorry, i am not clear about what you mean , you want to change the hint in the middle unit of each column? you can change the attr of GregorianLunarCalendar's NumberPickerViews, modify the npv_HintText="year/month/day or other words here"


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Carbs0126 commented 7 years ago

you can check the, in its layout file (view_gregorian_lunar_calendar.xml), add app:npv_HintText="@string/day" to the third NumberPickerView.
but , in, i just modify the hint of dayPicker to empty string if it changes to lunar calendar mode, because this will be more comfortable for chinese to read.
you can check method initValuesForD in

private void initValuesForD(ChineseCalendar cc, boolean isGregorian, boolean anim){
            int dayStart = DAY_START_GREGORIAN;
            int dayStop = Util.getSumOfDayInMonthForGregorianByMonth(cc.get(Calendar.YEAR), cc.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1);
            int daySway = cc.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
            mDayPickerView.setHintText(getContext().getResources().getString(;//<----change text hint dynamically by java code if switch to  gregorian mode.
            setValuesForPickerView(mDayPickerView, daySway, dayStart, dayStop, mDisplayDaysGregorian, false, anim);
            int dayStart = DAY_START_LUNAR;
            int dayStop = Util.getSumOfDayInMonthForLunarByMonthLunar(cc.get(ChineseCalendar.CHINESE_YEAR), cc.get(ChineseCalendar.CHINESE_MONTH));
            int daySway = cc.get(ChineseCalendar.CHINESE_DATE);
            mDayPickerView.setHintText("");//<----change text hint dynamically by java code if switch to  lunar mode.
            setValuesForPickerView(mDayPickerView, daySway, dayStart, dayStop, mDisplayDaysLunar, false, anim);

if no need to change hint text, just add attr app:npv_HintText="@string/day" to the third NumberPickerView

Carbs0126 commented 7 years ago

if no need to change hint text, just add attr app:npv_HintText="@string/day" to the third NumberPickerView, and delete mDayPickerView.setHintText(""); in method initValuesForD in GregorianLunarCalendarView

microcian commented 7 years ago

Thanks Bro

On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 11:26 PM, WangJianJun wrote:

if no need to change hint text, just add attr app:npv_HintText="@string/day" to the third NumberPickerView, and delete mDayPickerView.setHintText(""); in method initValuesForD in GregorianLunarCalendarView

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Abdul Rahman Majeed Software Engineer / Developer +92 321 6236569

microcian commented 7 years ago

can i ACCESS onValueChangeListener in my app ??

On Sun, Jul 24, 2016 at 12:25 AM, Abdul Rahman Majeed <> wrote:

Thanks Bro

On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 11:26 PM, WangJianJun wrote:

if no need to change hint text, just add attr app:npv_HintText="@string/day" to the third NumberPickerView, and delete mDayPickerView.setHintText(""); in method initValuesForD in GregorianLunarCalendarView

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Abdul Rahman Majeed Software Engineer / Developer +92 321 6236569

Abdul Rahman Majeed Software Engineer / Developer +92 321 6236569

Carbs0126 commented 7 years ago

you are welcome bro. and ,

can i ACCESS onValueChangeListener in my app ??

you can add a callback in onValueChangeListener in GregrorainLunarCalendarView to get the new picked value of year/month/day , and at same time add callback in passiveUpdateMonthAndDay() and passiveUpdateDay() to get the newest changed value.
But better not access onValueChangeListener in this way : just add a callback in onValueChangeListener to fetch CalendarData by using method getCalendarData, cause if the NumberPicker is scrolling , getCalendarData may get a wrong value(a value between old value and new value ) so i recommend not to add callback in onValueChangeListener , cause it maybe a litter complicate.