Carbs0126 / NumberPickerView

another NumberPicker with more flexible attributes on Android platform
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JCenter sunset is announced; please republish library version(s) to Maven Central #74

Open dejan2609 opened 3 years ago

dejan2609 commented 3 years ago


Quote (from a link above):

May 1st | Bintray, JCenter, GoCenter, and ChartCenter services will no longer be available

Note: it seems that Signal Android app depends on version 1.2.0 currently available only via JCenter:

@Carbs0126 let me know if I can help you with this.

simonpoole commented 2 years ago

@Carbs0126 the read only version of jcenter is becoming more and more flaky, it would really be helpful if you could republish to MavenCentral. While not completely friction free, setting things up is a one time effort and afterwards publishing is easy.

derekentringer commented 2 years ago

@Carbs0126 Seeing the same issues as @simonpoole

simonpoole commented 4 months ago

Last try (because jcenter is going away even read-only) before a hard fork.

NoelChew commented 3 months ago

I am using Jitpack as a temporary solution.

  1. add Jitpack to the list of repository source: maven { url '' }

  2. use dependency from Jitpack implementation 'com.github.Carbs0126:NumberPickerView:master-SNAPSHOT'

We can choose from the list of dependencies here. Hope this is useful for some of us.