CardanoGateKeeper / Core

An open source ticketing solution using Cardano Native Assets. Bridging Web 3.0 to IRL via Blockchain.
MIT License
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GUI - Landing Page - Yellow Banner #15

Open samwukong opened 1 year ago

samwukong commented 1 year ago


The Yellow Banner describes how to use the dApp.

User Story

  1. When I come to the page I expect to have information presented to me as a new user that aids me in being able to navigate or interact with the dApp.
  2. If I'm arriving from a link sent by the event coordinator, then I expect minimal necessary information for how to get my ticket. (i.e., this should be readily apparent).
  3. Using a "simplest possible" standard, I generally expect to be able to perform the actions required in the least possible moves.
    • arrive
    • connect wallet
    • select eligible asset (should be evident by only eligible being displayed)
    • confirm ticket generation
    • save ticket QR (right-click or "Save As..."/Automatic download prompt)


The instructions on this page are actually quite good. They are complete enough that I feel like a novice user would be able to understand and follow them.

Recommendation: Find ways to reduce the text. There's far too much information.

Maybe something like:
