Cardiac-MR-Group-Lund / segment-open

Segment Source Distribution
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Toolbar missing on Mac #10

Closed lriazy closed 3 years ago

lriazy commented 3 years ago

Steps to reproduce

Open MATLAB R2018a type "segment" to run segment

Expected behavior

Toolbars to appear as in manual

Actual behavior

The part of the toolbar below "LV" is missing. Tools can be reached by toggling with space, but in a very uncoordinated way.



Link to data set used:

lriazy commented 3 years ago

This error was thrown:

Caught error: MATLAB:UndefinedFunction Undefined function or variable 'foregroundcolor'. Stack: segpref.m line 201 in setbackgroundcolor segpref.m line 25 in segpref maingui.m line 1209 in maingui.init segment_main.m line 113 in initializesegment segment_main.m line 38 in segment_main segment.m line 9 in segment

johannestoger commented 3 years ago

Hi, segment-open supports only Matlab R2014a. Newer versions will not work.

lriazy commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your fast reply. Do you think I might be able to "hack" the GUI to make it work? I only need LV function, so I could delete the tabbed display, if that is the only problem.

lriazy commented 3 years ago

It worked! I replaced g.Handles.configiconholder with g.Handles.permanenticonholder and put the lv function elements in the top level toolbar in place of functions that I don't need.

johannestoger commented 3 years ago

OK, great! I would still strongly recommend R2014a though, there are many other things that could break.

johannestoger commented 3 years ago

Hi, we just pushed a new version supporting Matlab R2019a.