df = pd.DataFrame(np.array(df_rows), columns=column_labels)
missing_wells_dfs = []
# Add onboard qc to dataframe
for well in args.wells:
if well not in df['well'].values:
onboard_qc_df = pd.DataFrame([[well] + [False for col in
df = pd.concat([df] + missing_wells_dfs, ignore_index=True)
df['protocol'] = savename
return selected_wells, df
def qc3_bookend(readname, savename, time_strs, args):
plot_dir = os.path.join(args.output_dir, args.savedir,
filepath_first_before = os.path.join(args.data_directory,
filepath_last_before = os.path.join(args.data_directory,
json_file_first_before = f"{readname}_{time_strs[0]}"
json_file_last_before = f"{readname}_{time_strs[1]}"
# Each Trace object contains two sweeps
first_before_trace = Trace(filepath_first_before,
last_before_trace = Trace(filepath_last_before,
times = first_before_trace.get_times()
voltage = first_before_trace.get_voltage()
voltage_protocol = first_before_trace.get_voltage_protocol()
ramp_bounds = detect_ramp_bounds(times,
filepath_first_after = os.path.join(args.data_directory,
filepath_last_after = os.path.join(args.data_directory,
json_file_first_after = f"{readname}_{time_strs[2]}"
json_file_last_after = f"{readname}_{time_strs[3]}"
first_after_trace = Trace(filepath_first_after,
last_after_trace = Trace(filepath_last_after,
# Ensure that all traces use the same voltage protocol
assert np.all(first_before_trace.get_voltage() == last_before_trace.get_voltage())
assert np.all(first_after_trace.get_voltage() == last_after_trace.get_voltage())
assert np.all(first_before_trace.get_voltage() == first_after_trace.get_voltage())
assert np.all(first_before_trace.get_voltage() == last_before_trace.get_voltage())
# Ensure that the same number of sweeps were used
assert first_before_trace.NofSweeps == last_before_trace.NofSweeps
first_before_current_dict = first_before_trace.get_trace_sweeps()
first_after_current_dict = first_after_trace.get_trace_sweeps()
last_before_current_dict = last_before_trace.get_trace_sweeps()
last_after_current_dict = last_after_trace.get_trace_sweeps()
# Do leak subtraction and store traces for each well
# TODO Refactor this code into a single loop. There's no need to store each individual trace.
before_traces_first = {}
before_traces_last = {}
after_traces_first = {}
after_traces_last = {}
first_processed = {}
last_processed = {}
# Iterate over all wells
for well in np.array(all_wells).flatten():
first_before_current = first_before_current_dict[well][0, :]
first_after_current = first_after_current_dict[well][0, :]
last_before_current = last_before_current_dict[well][-1, :]
last_after_current = last_after_current_dict[well][-1, :]
before_traces_first[well] = get_leak_corrected(first_before_current,
voltage, times,
before_traces_last[well] = get_leak_corrected(last_before_current,
voltage, times,
after_traces_first[well] = get_leak_corrected(first_after_current,
voltage, times,
after_traces_last[well] = get_leak_corrected(last_after_current,
voltage, times,
# Store subtracted traces
first_processed[well] = before_traces_first[well] - after_traces_first[well]
last_processed[well] = before_traces_last[well] - after_traces_last[well]
voltage_protocol = VoltageProtocol.from_voltage_trace(voltage, times)
hergqc = hERGQC(sampling_rate=first_before_trace.sampling_rate,
assert first_before_trace.NofSweeps == last_before_trace.NofSweeps
voltage_steps = [tstart \
for tstart, tend, vstart, vend in
voltage_protocol.get_all_sections() if vend == vstart]
res_dict = {}
fig = plt.figure(figsize=args.figsize)
ax = fig.subplots()
for well in args.wells:
trace1 = hergqc.filter_capacitive_spikes(
first_processed[well], times, voltage_steps
trace2 = hergqc.filter_capacitive_spikes(
last_processed[well], times, voltage_steps
passed = hergqc.qc3(trace1, trace2)
res_dict[well] = passed
save_fname = os.path.join(args.output_dir,
ax.plot(times, trace1)
ax.plot(times, trace2)
return res_dict
def get_time_constant_of_first_decay(trace, times, protocol_desc, args, output_path):
if output_path:
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(output_path)):
first_40mV_step_index = [i for i, line in enumerate(protocol_desc) if line[2]==40][0]
tstart, tend, vstart, vend = protocol_desc[first_40mV_step_index + 1, :]
assert(vstart == vend)
indices = np.argwhere((times >= tstart) & (times <= tend))
# find peak current
peak_current = np.min(trace[indices])
peak_index = np.argmax(np.abs(trace[indices]))
peak_time = times[indices[peak_index]]
indices = np.argwhere((times >= peak_time) & (times <= tend - 50))
def fit_func(x):
a, b, c = x
prediction = c + a * np.exp((-1.0/b) * (times[indices] - peak_time))
return np.sum((prediction - trace[indices])**2)
bounds = [
(-np.abs(trace).max()*2, np.abs(trace).max()*2),
(1e-12, 1e4),
(-np.abs(trace).max()*2, np.abs(trace).max()*2),
# Repeat optimisation with different starting guesses
x0s = [[np.random.uniform(lower_b, upper_b) for lower_b, upper_b in bounds] for i in range(100)]
best_res = None
for x0 in x0s:
res = scipy.optimize.minimize(fit_func, x0=x0,
if best_res is None:
best_res = res
elif res.fun < best_res.fun and res.success and res.fun != 0:
best_res = res
res = best_res
if not res:
logging.warning('finding 40mv decay timeconstant failed:' + str(res))
if output_path and res:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=args.figsize, constrained_layout=True)
axs = fig.subplots(2)
for ax in axs:
ax.spines[['top', 'right']].set_visible(False)
ax.set_ylabel(r'$I_\text{obs}$ (pA)')
ax.set_xlabel(r'$t$ (ms)')
protocol_ax, fit_ax = axs
protocol_ax.set_title('a', fontweight='bold')
fit_ax.set_title('b', fontweight='bold')
fit_ax.plot(peak_time, tend-50, alpha=.5)
a, b, c = res.x
fit_ax.plot(times[indices], c + a * np.exp(-(1.0/b) * (times[indices] - peak_time)),
color='red', linestyle='--')
res_string = r'$\tau_{40\text{mV}} = ' f"{b:.1f}" r'\text{ms}$'
fit_ax.annotate(res_string, xy=(0.5, 0.05), xycoords='axes fraction')
protocol_ax.plot(times, trace)
# protocol_ax.axvspan(peak_time, tend - 50, alpha=.5, color='grey')
return res.x[1], peak_current if res else np.nan, peak_current
def detect_ramp_bounds(times, voltage_sections, ramp_no=0):
Extract the the times at the start and end of the nth ramp in the protocol.
@param times: np.array containing the time at which each sample was taken
@param voltage_sections 2d np.array where each row describes a segment of the protocol: (tstart, tend, vstart, end)
@param ramp_no: the index of the ramp to select. Defaults to 0 - the first ramp
@returns tstart, tend: the start and end times for the ramp_no+1^nth ramp
# Decouple this code from syncropatch_export
ramps = [(tstart, tend, vstart, vend) for tstart, tend, vstart, vend
in voltage_sections if vstart != vend]
ramp = ramps[ramp_no]
except IndexError:
print(f"Requested {ramp_no+1}th ramp (ramp_no={ramp_no}),"
" but there are only {len(ramps)} ramps")
tstart, tend = ramp[:2]
ramp_bounds = [np.argmax(times > tstart), np.argmax(times > tend)]
return ramp_bounds
if __name__ == '__main__':