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Lint Error Monkey Patching #34

Closed tomfuertes closed 11 years ago

tomfuertes commented 11 years ago

Not sure if you're getting the same... Figured I'd pull request for review:

$ jshint --version

$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'

$ make lint
jshint src/
src/core.js: line 26, col 5, Redefinition of 'document'.
src/helpers.js: line 70, col 37, Unescaped '-'.
src/plugins/vimeo.js: line 105, col 21, '_trackVimeo' was used before it was defined.
src/plugins/youtube.js: line 55, col 10, Missing space after '}'.

4 errors
make: *** [lint] Error 1

$ git checkout lintr
Switched to branch 'lintr'

$ make lint
jshint src/
eduardocereto commented 11 years ago

Yes I've been seeing some of these for a while. Just never bothered about fixing as they were minor. Thanks for taking the time for cleaning these.

tomfuertes commented 11 years ago

Most welcome; if my OCD is good for one thing it's fixing minor lint errors...