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Using a different label for youtube video tracking #44

Closed pietschy closed 10 years ago

pietschy commented 11 years ago

Hi all,

Is there a way for me to provide a label other than the youtube url? Ideally I'd like to get the label from a data attribute if possible.

I initially tried adding a hook for you tube events as follows but to no avail:

    _gas.push(['_addHook', '_gasTrackYoutube', function(options){
        // do stuff...
        return options_with_different_label;

I though of using the _trackEvent hook but that'd get a bit ugly with switches on the category and I'm not sure how I could get to the iframe data attributes.

Other than that it looks like the only option would be to add a some kind of hook to the _ytStateChange function that can use the event['target'] to return a different label.

Any help greatly appreciated. Cheers

tomfuertes commented 10 years ago

Pull request welcome if you'd like to add/set an options parameter ( and get it into core. Until then, overriding the _trackEvent hook is your best bet.

Either that or doing your own build and modifying the label here: