Cards-of-Chaos / Game-Design

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Void Walker #123

Open nstevens26 opened 1 year ago

nstevens26 commented 1 year ago

Channeling your chaos energy you begin to dip into the void giving you the ability to open small portals throughout the battlefield. When you make a spell attack you can choose to open a void portal with in range and make an attack through the void instead.

When the spell ends, you open a void on your location teleporting yourself up to 8 spaces in any direction. Any creature within 4 space radius of the void created, take 10 force damage and must make a power saving throw against your chaos DC. On a failed save, they are pulled 2 spaces towards the space of the void. The void disappears at the end of your turn.

Duration: 2 Turns. Range: 8 Spaces.

D-D-2 commented 1 year ago

Power or Chaos Save

nstevens26 commented 1 year ago

Lets go power for this.