Cards-of-Chaos / Game-Design

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Elemental Spear #137

Open nstevens26 opened 1 year ago

nstevens26 commented 1 year ago


A spear conjures into your hand shimmering with chaos energy. You throw it forward as it bursts into one of the following options:

Spear of lightning (1-12): As the spear releases from your hand, it forms into a bolt of lightning that deals 10 electric damage to all creatures in a 10 spaced line.

Spear of Flame (12-19): As the spear releases from your hand, it erupt into flame leaving behind a trail of fire up to 10 spaces long that lasts for 2 turns. Any creature in the path of the spear take 9 fire damage and any creature who enters the trail takes 5 fire damage.

Spear of Fire and Lighting (20): As the spear releases from your hand you get both effects above.