CareSet / DURC

DURC is reverse CRUD
MIT License
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DURC does not handle camel case table names for shit #3

Open ftrotter opened 6 years ago

ftrotter commented 6 years ago

It breaks all the things.

ftrotter commented 6 years ago

I force all of the table names to lower case in order to properly handle linking...

which was intended to enable flexible linking but still allow for any kind of casing on the tables...

But the end result is that you can really only have lowercase table names or stuff in the UX will not work.


kchapple commented 6 years ago

Do you know of a specific field in DURCtest where this is broken? It looks like it works to me, for example northwind_model.appstring.stringData is camel case and I'm able to view/edit ok

kchapple commented 6 years ago

@ftrotter see above question.

ftrotter commented 5 years ago

You are looking at column name.. I am talking about table name.

Right now I have a table called 'ActionNeeded' in an other project.

In a second table, I have ActionNeeded_id, which refers to the ActionNeeded table.

Now what should happen is that there should be web route that includes camel case urls.. but instead this is generated.

0 //DURC-> foiagarden.ActionNeeded 1 Route::resource("/DURC/actionneeded", 'actionneededController'); 2 Route::get("/DURC/json/actionneeded/{actionneeded_id}", 'actionneededController@jsonone'); 3 Route::get("/DURC/json/actionneeded/", 'actionneededController@jsonall'); 4 Route::get("/DURC/searchjson/actionneeded/", 'actionneededController@search');

But in the run_generator function of this file:

there is no strtolower in that file... so that means that $class_name is already all lowercase by the time it gets there...

Which means that when you go to use something that should have a ActionNeeded dropdown we get a 404 on


Because the route that exists is /DURC/searchjson/actionneeded?_type=query

So that is what I am talking about...

Sorry for the late reply.


ftrotter commented 4 years ago

This is a problem, but for 1.0 I am simply adding that "DURC does not support Camel case table names" to the README.