CareSet / DURC

DURC is reverse CRUD
MIT License
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Build many to many autosuggest based entity linker #42

Closed ftrotter closed 4 years ago

ftrotter commented 5 years ago

When we create entity A that has an A_B table we should enable a feature when creating items in A to link them to many items at once in B.

Using the Select2 Autosuggest JS tool, we should allow the DURC page for A to quickly link items over to B by just typing the different names of items of type B and then selecting a bunch of them.

Specifically when we have a log item and a widget entity that has many log items. We might want to have one log event apply to many widgets in the widget table. So when creating the a new log object there should be a suggest box labled "connected widgets" and then typing in that box results in autocomplete matching against the widget table.. and then once 3-4, 10, 50 whatever widget have been selected, saving that log will also cause it to be linked to the 3-4, 10, 50 whatever widgets by creating that many new rows in the widget_log connecting table.

ftrotter commented 4 years ago

This does not live in DURC but it has been implemented in Eden.