CareSet / DURC

DURC is reverse CRUD
MIT License
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Unhelpful database access error #47

Open ftrotter opened 4 years ago

ftrotter commented 4 years ago

When you try to run DURC across another database and the database user does not have access to the new database... there is a very unhelpful error of:

In DURCMineCommand.php line 42:

  Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

in the command line script from running

 artisan durc:mine --DB=has_access --DB=does_not_have_access

Instead it should say something smart like: You asked DURC to mine from "does_not_have_access" but user "durc user" does not have access to that database. DURC requires at least SELECT access to any table it works with, and to have full read-write access it should have SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE as well..