CareyWang / MyUrls

Your Own URL Shortener
MIT License
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docker build 构建本地镜像运行具体如何操作 #11

Closed szsyzx closed 3 years ago

szsyzx commented 3 years ago

clone项目到本地,修改 public/index.html,执行 docker build 构建本地镜像运行。

执行 docker build 构建本地镜像运行。


CareyWang commented 3 years ago

@szsyzx 修改html后,修改.env,docker-compose up -d

szsyzx commented 3 years ago

@CareyWang /root/MyUrls/下的.env以及/root/MyUrls/public/index.html里的地址都改掉了 为什么打开还是显示:短链接获取失败

F12下查看显示:spread.js:25 Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.

CareyWang commented 3 years ago

需要修改 index.html 中 backend