Carglglz / NFC_PN532_SPI

Partial Port of Adafruit CircuitPython to Micropython of PN532 NFC/RFID control library (SPI)
MIT License
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Add authentication #3

Closed dracode closed 4 years ago

dracode commented 4 years ago

While trying to read data from a card, I realized that "authentication" is a vital part of the way that MIFARE Classic cards work. Without the authentication, I could not read the data off the card.

This branch ports the mifare_classic_authentication_block() function from the Adafruit library. This change allows mifare_classic_read_block() to retrieve data from the card.

Carglglz commented 4 years ago

@dracode I think I did not include that because of memory constraints in esp8266, and the fact that I only needed the card ID. However I think you're right and this is important for more advanced applications. Thanks! 👍

dracode commented 4 years ago

Ah, that's true, I'd forgotten about that. I am using an ESP-32 for this project so have more memory to play with. I have some other improvements in mind, but they'd add more overhead. Perhaps I should just make a full fork and make the modifications there, so people have the option to use whichever best suits their needs. Thanks!