Carglglz / NFC_PN532_SPI

Partial Port of Adafruit CircuitPython to Micropython of PN532 NFC/RFID control library (SPI)
MIT License
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using your library to read ntag213 #6

Open Flipje1955 opened 1 year ago

Flipje1955 commented 1 year ago

Sorry for bothering you but I was looking at your NFC library with the hope I could use it for (at least) reading NTAG213 tags (ultimately I would like to read the NDEF data). With limited micropython experience as my luggage I looked at the coding. Although it refers to methods labeled NTAGxxx_read/write, it is not apparent to me how to make this work.

Any suggestion you are able & willing to share it highly appreciated. Thx a lot !

Carglglz commented 1 year ago

@Flipje1955 not sure if you already did but you may want to have a look at the develop branch where the driver has some extra methods and a demo application/tool to read a mifare card (it should be similar for ntags) and notify over BLE.

Flipje1955 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your prompt response and suggestions! No, had not noted or looked into that branch. Will have a deep-dive into the files you reference and see if can construct them to access a ntag213 tag. My use case is identifying loc's and wagons of a model train. As it is small-scale, I can only use small tags and consequently, sensitivity (or distance reader - tag) is a critical thing.