CarlGao4 / Muse-Sounds

The Muse Sounds soundfont in sf2 and sf3 format only for research purpose
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I don't understand this #3

Open Random184 opened 4 months ago

Random184 commented 4 months ago

I don't understand what all of this means. I am just a guy who wants to compose music and I was trying to find a way to use MuseSounds in my DAW (Cubase). I don't really know if this can help me, because I don't know, what all of these files (sf2, sf3, spx, sfz, sts, opus,...) are doing or how to use them. I also couldn't find useful information about that on the Internet. I don't know if it is (yet) possible to actually use all MuseSounds instruments in my DAW or if this is still in progress. If there is a possibility to use MuseSounds in my DAW, I would be very grateful if someone could tell me how, but I understand if it is too complicated.

CarlGao4 commented 4 months ago

You can just download the sfz+flac and extract it, and install a VST plug-in that supports SFZ and load it

Random184 commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the help. Does this mean that only the harp, piano and metronome are working right now?

CarlGao4 commented 4 months ago

Most instruments actually has its own effect groups, whose definition is not documented, so it may sound different compared to the one in Muse Score. Besides, Muse Sounds has also recorded different samples for a lot of conditions, e.g. whether the note is the first one in the bar, the length of the note (like shorter than 250ms or longer than 1 second). You can see metadata.xml in each folder and you'll find how complicated it is. These features are not available in both SFZ and SF2 format, and I'm still finding a solution to deal with this