CarletonU-COMP2406-W2013 / Demacia

TA: Bjorn Vardal
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Clicking on a stream redirects to the Twitch page for that stream #44

Closed francislavoie closed 10 years ago

francislavoie commented 11 years ago

One way to fix it would be to put a transparent div with the same width and with the height of the stream minus the toolbar's height on top of the stream to disallow clicks to go through to the stream.

The problem with this is that if the user clicks on the report (wrench) button on the stream, a popup will show and the user won't be able to close that report popup while the invisible div is on top. This is also an issue for the stream quality dropdown menu.

If we can figure out a way to detect when the wrench is pressed, we can remove the div to allow for use of the report panel. We don't really want to block that.

Also it might be against the terms of service of Twitch to block the clicks on the stream from redirecting. Investigations need to be conducted.

francislavoie commented 10 years ago

Not going to fix, Twitch wants this included.