CarliJoy / intersection_examples

Python Typing Intersection examples
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Interest in discussing topics from here at the PyCon US Typing Summit? #39

Open stroxler opened 4 months ago

stroxler commented 4 months ago

Jelle and I are starting to look at organizing a Typing Summit at PyCon US 2024.

We are still working with the conference coordinators to find the date, but the summit will be on one of the main conference days (Friday May 17 - Sunday May 19).

I was wondering whether you all think that the topics you've been discussing would be worth a presentation and discussion (or maybe two - I can see there are a lot of specific issues as well as some more conceptual questions about the semantics of types in general).

You'll have to pardon me jumping in here without having caught up on all the discussion; I'll try to catch up more but it will likely take me a week or two, and one of the reasons I think this is worth bringing up at the Typing Summit is to help get folks like me who haven't been following up to speed.

I also joined the discord so we could discuss there that's preferable.

CarliJoy commented 4 months ago

Dear @stroxler ,

sorry for ignoring not getting back to your suggestion. I myself won't be able to attend the PyCon US due to distance. I will attend the EuroPython instead.

But some others like @mikeshardmind @NeilGirdhar @superbobry @kmillikin @erictraut @DiscordLiz are US based as far I know but need to speak for them self if they are interested. I still hope that we will be finished until May :-), so I hope maybe someone can

For Reference here the Pyhton Discuss Thread