CarloLucibello / GraphNeuralNetworks.jl

Graph Neural Networks in Julia
MIT License
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Custom Norm Func for GCNConv #356

Closed rbSparky closed 6 months ago

rbSparky commented 6 months ago

Fixes issue Issue #277

CarloLucibello commented 6 months ago

Thanks, this looks nice. The docstring should better specify how the norm function is used though.

rbSparky commented 6 months ago

Thanks, this looks nice. The docstring should better specify how the norm function is used though.


CarloLucibello commented 6 months ago

tests are not passing

rbSparky commented 6 months ago

tests are not passing

Seems like in the Julia nightly release, there is some issue that seems to be unrelated to the change:

ERROR: The following 2 direct dependencies failed to precompile: cuDNN [02a925ec-e4fe-4b08-9a7e-0d78e3d38ccd]

I suppose that it would be enough to get the Julia 1 - ubuntu-latest tests to pass?