CarloLucibello / GraphNeuralNetworks.jl

Graph Neural Networks in Julia
MIT License
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Add AGNNConv support for HeteroGraphConv #382

Open rbSparky opened 4 months ago

rbSparky commented 4 months ago

Work in progress, will add tests soon.

Please let me know if changes need to be made in the core code.

Covers issue #311

rbSparky commented 4 months ago

Currently trying to fix, please let me know any suggestions

CarloLucibello commented 4 months ago

is there an idea or some effort planned in fixing this? Otherwise better close so that it won't prevent other people from working on it

rbSparky commented 4 months ago

is there an idea or some effort planned in fixing this? Otherwise better close so that it won't prevent other people from working on it

Currently trying, if it doesn't work I will close it. Let me know if you have any suggestions :smile: