CarlosFdez / global-progress-clocks

FoundryVTT module for Blades in the Dark style progress clocks that show on the sidebar
MIT License
7 stars 7 forks source link

Forking Question #1

Closed JuanEspinet closed 1 year ago

JuanEspinet commented 1 year ago

Hi! I'm interested in creating a fork of this repo to make some adaptations for my own use case, but I see you haven't included a license at all, so I thought I'd ask first to make sure you're okay with it.

CarlosFdez commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I just noticed this message.

Were I to add the license it would be MIT, but out of curiosity, are these adaptations to such a degree that a PR wouldn't be a better solution? I do still actively use this module.

Lunar-Dawn commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, I think that unless you add a license that allows it (such as MIT) others are not legally allowed to publicly fork it and make a PR. But I am not a copyright lawyer so take that with a large pinch of salt.

I'd also be interested in altering the code and submitting a PR if you add a license.

CarlosFdez commented 1 year ago

I had some time right now so I added it (I had forgotten to add the license basically). Even ignoring PRs or forks, I do want it so that system developers can just copy this code wholesale into their system if they want to. I don't believe that a system should require modules if at all possible.