CarlosFdez / pf2e-persistent-damage

Keeps track of persistent damage on actors for PF2E for Foundry VTT
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Persistent processing fails when PC ends turn #21

Closed JamzTheMan closed 2 years ago

JamzTheMan commented 2 years ago

Persistent damage/healing cards to not show up/process when a Player ends turn. They only work if the GM ends the combat turn.

Tested this with no other modules active with GM & Player logged in.

this module + find the culprit image

CarlosFdez commented 2 years ago

Might have been due to some sillyness shark did with the combat tracker. I'll dig into it soon, thanks for reporting.

That said healing doesn't work right now.

JamzTheMan commented 2 years ago

Can you elaborate on "healing doesn't work"? I do get the messages as long as the GM ends the turn.

FWIW I just added some chatmessage hooks trapping for your fast healing/regen messages and auto-apply the healing in my own personal module...

CarlosFdez commented 2 years ago

Can't reproduce. I had a player end their turn and the persistent damage rolled just fine.

JamzTheMan commented 2 years ago

Really strange. I'll try it again today in a new world again.

JamzTheMan commented 2 years ago

OK, so it seems to only affect Fast healing/Regeneration. It happens when a Player ends turn and the next token has Fast healing/Regeneration. I suspect this is because it happens on the next tokens start-turn and don't have permission or something. If the GM end's the players turn fast healing kicks off for next token.

I tested this in a fresh world, all new installs (module/system), only this module active, GM NPC + player 2 & player 3 PC Tokens. I also gave player 2 ownership of player 3 token with player 3 token having fast healing and that also didn't work (where player 2 goes then player 3 then NPC, so PC having ownership doesn't seem to matter).

FYI Persistent Damage does seem to work as normal as that happens on your own token anyway.

CarlosFdez commented 2 years ago

If it means anything, fast healing/regeneration will be in core in the next release. I managed to add it to the core system :).

CarlosFdez commented 2 years ago

Since fast healing and regeneration are now core, I'm closing the issue. Thanks for reporting.