CarlosHe / AndroidPermission

Runtime Android Permission for Firemonkey
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Help #4

Open gilsonsilvac opened 5 years ago

gilsonsilvac commented 5 years ago

I need your help, the following error is occurring when I try to compile the test project after I've pasted the lib and source folder. [DCC Fatal Error] Unit1.pas(9): F2051 Unit FMX.MediaLibrary.Android was compiled with a different version of Androidapi.JNI.Embarcadero.JFMXNativeActivity

CarlosHe commented 5 years ago

What's ur Delphi version?

CarlosHe commented 5 years ago

If the error persists, include \Embarcadero\Studio\19.0\source\fmx folder in the Android library!

tools->options->library select Android in the "Selected Platform" and add...

Compile ur project in Release mode and Debug mode... in ur project folder, copy all dcu files started at 'fmx.' in release folder to Embarcadero\Studio\19.0\lib\android\release and all dcu files started at 'fmx.' in debug folder to Embarcadero\Studio\19.0\lib\android\debug

After, u can remove \Embarcadero\Studio\19.0\source\fmx folder in the Android library...

gilsonsilvac commented 5 years ago

Delphi 10.2.3