CarlosOliveira1988 / Investment_Portfolio_Analysis

This repository is useful to perform some financial analysis in Investment Portfolio
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Define which columns about stock's worth to keep for data analysis #87

Open guilhermenoronha opened 2 years ago

guilhermenoronha commented 2 years ago

The API returns the following info about stocks:

{'zip': '04538-132',
 'sector': 'Basic Materials',
 'longBusinessSummary': 'Klabin S.A., together with its subsidiaries, operates in the paper and pulp industry in Brazil and internationally. It operates through Forestry, Paper, Conversion, and Pulp segments. The Forestry segment engages in the planting and forestry operations of pine and eucalyptus; and sale of wood logs. The Paper segment produces and sells reels of cardboard, kraftliner, and recycled paper. The Conversion segment is involved in the production and sale of corrugated boxes and sheets, and industrial bags. The Pulp segment produces and sells short, long, and fluffed pulp. The company also engages in the reforestation business; manufacture of phytotherapic products; and hotel business. In addition, it provides port, packaging customization, and finance services, as well as invests in other companies. Klabin S.A. was founded in 1899 and is headquartered in São Paulo, Brazil.',
 'city': 'São Paulo',
 'phone': '55 11 3046 8401',
 'state': 'SP',
 'country': 'Brazil',
 'companyOfficers': [],
 'website': '',
 'maxAge': 1,
 'address1': 'Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 3600',
 'industry': 'Paper & Paper Products',
 'address2': '3rd, 4th and 5th Floors Itaim Bibi',
 'ebitdaMargins': 0.41229,
 'profitMargins': 0.20834999,
 'grossMargins': 0.39265,
 'operatingCashflow': 5671313920,
 'revenueGrowth': 0.276,
 'operatingMargins': 0.26534,
 'ebitda': 7189153792,
 'targetLowPrice': None,
 'recommendationKey': 'none',
 'grossProfits': 6212957000,
 'freeCashflow': 394779360,
 'targetMedianPrice': None,
 'currentPrice': 4.36,
 'earningsGrowth': 1.646,
 'currentRatio': 2.531,
 'returnOnAssets': 0.073410004,
 'numberOfAnalystOpinions': None,
 'targetMeanPrice': None,
 'debtToEquity': 255.206,
 'returnOnEquity': 0.56569,
 'targetHighPrice': None,
 'totalCash': 6185161216,
 'totalDebt': 25161725952,
 'totalRevenue': 17436971008,
 'totalCashPerShare': 1.126,
 'financialCurrency': 'BRL',
 'revenuePerShare': 3.174,
 'quickRatio': 1.994,
 'recommendationMean': None,
 'exchange': 'SAO',
 'shortName': 'KLABIN S/A  ON      N2',
 'longName': 'Klabin S.A.',
 'exchangeTimezoneName': 'America/Sao_Paulo',
 'exchangeTimezoneShortName': 'BRT',
 'isEsgPopulated': False,
 'gmtOffSetMilliseconds': '-10800000',
 'quoteType': 'EQUITY',
 'symbol': 'KLBN3.SA',
 'messageBoardId': 'finmb_3800060',
 'market': 'br_market',
 'annualHoldingsTurnover': None,
 'enterpriseToRevenue': 2.583,
 'beta3Year': None,
 'enterpriseToEbitda': 6.266,
 '52WeekChange': -0.26226735,
 'morningStarRiskRating': None,
 'forwardEps': None,
 'revenueQuarterlyGrowth': None,
 'sharesOutstanding': 2056560000,
 'fundInceptionDate': None,
 'annualReportExpenseRatio': None,
 'totalAssets': None,
 'bookValue': 1.569,
 'sharesShort': None,
 'sharesPercentSharesOut': None,
 'fundFamily': None,
 'lastFiscalYearEnd': 1640908800,
 'heldPercentInstitutions': 0.13015,
 'netIncomeToCommon': 3632954880,
 'trailingEps': 0.661,
 'lastDividendValue': 0.062883,
 'SandP52WeekChange': -0.13017213,
 'priceToBook': 2.77884,
 'heldPercentInsiders': 0.55919,
 'nextFiscalYearEnd': 1703980800,
 'yield': None,
 'mostRecentQuarter': 1648684800,
 'shortRatio': None,
 'sharesShortPreviousMonthDate': None,
 'floatShares': 4088886980,
 'beta': 0.722173,
 'enterpriseValue': 45044436992,
 'priceHint': 4,
 'threeYearAverageReturn': None,
 'lastSplitDate': 1395705600,
 'lastSplitFactor': '5:1',
 'legalType': None,
 'lastDividendDate': 1652054400,
 'morningStarOverallRating': None,
 'earningsQuarterlyGrowth': 1.652,
 'priceToSalesTrailing12Months': 1.246659,
 'dateShortInterest': None,
 'pegRatio': None,
 'ytdReturn': None,
 'forwardPE': None,
 'lastCapGain': None,
 'shortPercentOfFloat': None,
 'sharesShortPriorMonth': None,
 'impliedSharesOutstanding': 0,
 'category': None,
 'fiveYearAverageReturn': None,
 'previousClose': 4.52,
 'regularMarketOpen': 4.54,
 'twoHundredDayAverage': 5.61565,
 'trailingAnnualDividendYield': 0.031415932,
 'payoutRatio': 0.2143,
 'volume24Hr': None,
 'regularMarketDayHigh': 4.64,
 'navPrice': None,
 'averageDailyVolume10Day': 124588,
 'regularMarketPreviousClose': 4.52,
 'fiftyDayAverage': 5.0148,
 'trailingAnnualDividendRate': 0.142,
 'open': 4.54,
 'toCurrency': None,
 'averageVolume10days': 124588,
 'expireDate': None,
 'algorithm': None,
 'dividendRate': 0.2,
 'exDividendDate': 1652054400,
 'circulatingSupply': None,
 'startDate': None,
 'regularMarketDayLow': 4.28,
 'currency': 'BRL',
 'trailingPE': 6.5960665,
 'regularMarketVolume': 389000,
 'lastMarket': None,
 'maxSupply': None,
 'openInterest': None,
 'marketCap': 21737957376,
 'volumeAllCurrencies': None,
 'strikePrice': None,
 'averageVolume': 123477,
 'dayLow': 4.28,
 'ask': 4.36,
 'askSize': 0,
 'volume': 389000,
 'fiftyTwoWeekHigh': 6.73,
 'fromCurrency': None,
 'fiveYearAvgDividendYield': None,
 'fiftyTwoWeekLow': 4.28,
 'bid': 4.38,
 'tradeable': False,
 'dividendYield': 0.0431,
 'bidSize': 0,
 'dayHigh': 4.64,
 'regularMarketPrice': 4.36,
 'preMarketPrice': None,
 'logo_url': ''}

Which ones is useless to data analysis?

guilhermenoronha commented 2 years ago

zip': '04538-132', 'phone': '55 11 3046 8401', 'companyOfficers': [] // will be transformed into a different table 'website': '', 'address1': 'Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 3600', 'address2': '3rd, 4th and 5th Floors Itaim Bibi', 'exchangeTimezoneName': 'America/New_York', 'exchangeTimezoneShortName': 'EDT', 'gmtOffSetMilliseconds': '-14400000', 'messageBoardId': 'finmb_21835', 'logo_url': ''