CarmineOptions / konoha

A toolkit for DAO-like governance on Starknet
Apache License 2.0
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ODHack: Deposits to support Nostra Lending Pools #80

Open tensojka opened 1 month ago

tensojka commented 1 month ago

Extend treasury.cairo to support deposit and withdraw to/from Nostra. support for multiple tokens (ETH, USDC, USDT, STRK, WBTC)

You can use the feature of depositing into Carmine liquidity pools in treasury.cairo as inspiration.

Definition of Done

The Cairo code works as expected, has nearly full test coverage, is reasonably documented (docstrings or similar suffice) and readable. An end-to-end integration test is provided.

Iwueseiter commented 1 month ago

hi @tensojka can I work on this?

tensojka commented 1 month ago

@Iwueseiter Refer to please, you are missing an estimated delivery timeline. I would also appreciate a brief summary of your relevant skills, though not strictly required.

It would also be nice of you to join the Konoha Dev Telegram group for faster communication.

Iwueseiter commented 1 month ago

I have joined the Telegram group and I left a message there. I would work on this between 4 to 5 working days max. Thank you.

juandiegocv27 commented 1 month ago

Hi @tensojka, I would like to take this task. Estimated Delivery Timeline: Start Date: May 23, 2024 Completion Date: June 1, 2024, Relevant Skills: I have experience with Cairo and blockchain development, including implementing multi-token support and deposit/withdrawal functionalities. Looking forward to your approval and any further instructions.

tensojka commented 1 month ago

Assigned @juandiegocv27 as @Iwueseiter already has a task

Iwueseiter commented 1 month ago

@tensojka I don't have any other task, all the chapters have been picked for the documentation and this is the only task I have been communicating with you about.

juandiegocv27 commented 1 month ago

@tensojka so I have the issue, right?

tensojka commented 1 month ago

@juandiegocv27 Yes

@Iwueseiter Sorry. I picked Juan also because he provided more detailed information about him. There will be testing tasks opened tomorrow

juandiegocv27 commented 1 month ago

@tensojka who should I talk to for questions about my issue?

juandiegocv27 commented 1 month ago

@tensojka Im already doing this issue, could you assign in to me here please

tensojka commented 1 month ago

@juandiegocv27 You are assigned already

juandiegocv27 commented 4 weeks ago

@tensojka sorry, please asign the issue to someone else, the time limit of the od hack its so near an for me to finish this task it implement more days, please assign to someone better qualify pls

saimeunt commented 4 weeks ago

@tensojka I'd like to try this one, hopefully I can get it done by the end of ODHack. I have experience with Cairo development and I'll make sure to respect the contributing guidelines and acceptance criterias.

tensojka commented 3 weeks ago

@saimeunt Assigned you, good luck!